Particle SYSTEM: SpaceShip Flame

Particle System is an effect in Unity that can be applied to game objects in order to simulate smoke, moving dirts, flames, magic spells and so on. In this section I am going to discuss on how I added spaceship flame

An empty GameObject was added as a child to the Space Ship player and renamed as "Spaceship Flame". Inside the Inspector window of Spaceship Flame, we can Add Component and select Particle System. A particle effect appears on the game object. A new dialogue box appears, where we can Play, Restart, or Stop the effect. The rotation and position of the particle system can be adjusted from Inspector window to make it appear from the exhaust of the spaceship. 

Material for Flame

In the beginning, the particles appear pink. So we need to add new material to the flame. I created a new Material in Assets folder and changed the following properties:

Then, the material was attached to the flame. 

Flame: Particle System Properties