Research Areas
Construction Project Delivery
Construction Management
Emerging Technologies (AR/VR) in Engineering Education
Structural Steel Design
Peer-Reviewed Journal Papers
(Under Review) Shrestha, S., Shan, Y., Emerson, R. & Manning-Ouellette, A. , "Studying the Effectiveness of Social Presence Enabled Augmented Reality (SPEAR) Tool in Academic Achievement and Motivation of Online Engineering Students", ASCE Journal of Civil Engineering Education
S. Shrestha, Y. Shan, R. Emerson and Z. Hosseini, "Developing and Usability Testing of an Augmented Reality Tool for Online Engineering Education," in IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, vol. 18, pp. 13-24, 2025, doi: 10.1109/TLT.2024.3520413. (Impact Factor: 2.9)
Shrestha, S., Shan, Y., & Goodrum, P. M. (2024). Identification of Best Practices in Project Bundling for State DOTs Using Semistructured Interviews. ASCE Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 150(7), 04024056. (Impact Factor: 5.6)
Qiao, L., Shan, Y., Shrestha, S., Ahmed, S., & Liu, T. (2023). Analyzing the Impact of Depreciation-Estimating Methods on State Transportation Agencies’ Equipment Replacement Decisions Using Dynamic Programming. ASCE Journal of Management in Engineering, 39(4), 05023005. (Impact Factor: 7.4)
Shrestha, S., Shan, Y., & Goodrum, P. M. (2022). Mapping of state transportation agencies’ practices and perceptions in project bundling. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2676(7), 597-607. (Impact Factor: 1.9)
Hsiao, J. K. K., & Shrestha, S. (2018). Shear Lag Factors for Tension Angles with Unequal-Length Longitudinal Welds. International Journal of Advanced Steel Construction, 14(4). (Impact Factor: 1.6)
Peer-Reviewed Conference Proceedings
Shrestha, S., Shan, Y., & Goodrum, P. M. (2024). Identify best practices of project bundling for highway construction projects. ASCE Construction Institute Construction Research Congress 2024 (pp. 1-9). Des Moines, IA.
Shrestha, S., Shan, Y., & Donnelly, N. (2023). SPEAR: Social Presence Enabled Augmented Reality Tool for Engineering Education. ASCE International Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering (i3CE) 2023 (pp. 231-238). Corvallis, OR.
Shrestha, S., Shan, Y., & Chung, B. (2022). Exploring the Benefits of Social Presence Enabled Augmented Reality Platform for Online Learners. ASCE Construction Research Congress 2022 (pp. 254-263). Arlington, VA.
Technical Reports
Shan, Y., Shrestha, S., Goodrum, P. M., & Molenaar, K. (2023). Investigating Project Bundling Practices for Transportation Construction Projects (No. CDOT-2023-02). Technical Report Submitted to Colorado Department of Transportation.
Shan, Y., Shrestha, S., & Yoon, S. (2022). Quality Control and Assurance Guide for Maintenance Equipment Fleet Management Data. Technical Report Submitted to Oklahoma Department of Transportation.
Shrestha, S., Shan, Y., & Goodrum, P. M. (2024, March 20-23). Identify best practices of project bundling for highway construction projects. CI & CRC Joint Conference 2024. Des Moines, IA.
Shrestha, S., Shan, Y. & Donelly, N. (2023, June 25-28). SPEAR: Social Presence Enabled Augmented Reality Tool for Engineering Education. 2023 ASCE International Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering, Corvallis, OR.
Shrestha, S., & Shan, Y. (2023, March 24). SPEAR: Social Presence Enabled Augmented Reality Tool for Engineering Education. 2023 CEAT Graduate Symposium. Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK.
Shrestha, S., Shan, Y., & Goodrum, P. M. (2022, October 18). Identify Best Practices for Project Bundling using Semi-Structured Interviews. 2022 Oklahoma Transportation Research Day. Oklahoma City, OK.
Shrestha, S., Shan, Y., & Goodrum, P. M. (2022, August 04). Identify Best Practices for Project Bundling using Semi-Structured Interviews. 2022 Oklahoma Transportation Summer Symposium. Oklahoma City, OK.
Shrestha, S., Shan, Y., & Chung, B. (2022, March 9-12). Exploring the Benefits of Social Presence Enabled Augmented Reality Platform for Online Learners. Construction Research Congress 2022. Arlington, VA.
Shrestha, S., Shan, Y., & Goodrum, P. M. (2021, October 19). Mapping of state transportation agencies’ practices and perceptions in project bundling. 2021 Oklahoma Transportation Research Day (OTRD). Oklahoma City, OK.
Shrestha, S., Chaudhary, A., Shan, Y., Banik, G., Zhang, C. & Nieto, C. C. (2019, November 5). Developing Predictive Models for Fuel Consumption and Maintenance Cost using Equipment Fleet Data. 2019 Oklahoma Transportation Research Day (OTRD). Oklahoma City, OK.
Shrestha, S. (2017). Verification of Shear Lag in Longitudinally Welded Tension Members. Master of Science Thesis, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, IL.
Shrestha, S. (2013). Earthquake Resistant Design of Reinforced Concrete Building. Bachelor of Engineering Thesis, Kantipur Engineering College, Tribhuvan University, Nepal.