Graduate Teaching Assistant - Oklahoma State University Stillwater, OK
Course: Engineering Science (ENSC) 2143 - Strength of Materials
Semesters: Spring 2024, Spring 2023
Overview: Bending moments, deformation and displacement in elastic and plastic deformable bodies. Axial, torsional and shear loads. Buckling stress transformations and combined loads.
Conduct weekly discussion sessions
Deliver lecture in absence of the lecturer
TA Office Hours
Grade homework and exams
Proctor tests
Course: Structural Steel Design (CIVE 3513)
Semesters: Fall 2019
Overview: Introduction to steel design, Loads on buildings from gravity and environmental effects, Tension members design, Compression members design, Flexural members design, Design of members with combined actions, Design of structural connections with welds and bolts
Deliver lecture in absence of the lecturer
TA Office Hours
Prepare homework and grade assignments and exams
Proctor tests
Graduate Teaching Assistant - Southern Illinois University Carbondale, IL
Course: Foundation Design (CE 421)
Semesters: Fall 2015, Spring 2016, Fall 2016
Overview: knowledge and understanding of mainly shallow foundation design. Includes several topics e.g., bearing capacity theories, design of shallow foundations; earth pressure theories, design of retaining wall and earth retaining structures; pile foundations, piles and piles group subjected to vertical load only.
TA Office Hours
Grade assignments and exams
Proctor tests